This Argentine website is aimed at the "MECCANYMPHS", fervent MECCANO aficionados and collectors of every country. MECCANO, a surprising and wonderful construction game that keeps well and alive since 1901 thanks to its fans from all over the world, both children and adults, due to its flexibility, variety and possibilities. Based on a standard system of multiple interchangeable parts that allows to build mechanical models, from the simpler to the most complex ones, MECCANO has brought joy to many generations for decades. Its pieces imitate Mechanics, allowing to build model engineering without neither special tools nor previous special knowledge.

Surfing over you will be able to find Videos that show some constructions, such as those of Engineer Oscar E. Fontán (Argentina), exponent of our hobby.

You will also find Manuals of different Meccano eras and you will be able to buy the original manuals or photocopies by filling and sending a form. In the Blueprints section you will be able to appreciate the immense variety of Supermodels, and you will be able to get the necessary parts for building them, in the section Sales.

You will also find there that special lots of parts are being offered. In the Constructions section you will be able to see models built with MECCANO by Ariel Joaquín Verlatsky. If you are starting with MECCANO we invite you to begin by building beautiful models with the Blueprint of the month.

The Guests section is for all the MECCANYMPHS that want to show-off their models, articles, information, etc., exclusively dedicated to MECCANO in every country.

Technical advise on all your doubts regarding our beloved hobby. MECCANYMPHS – CYBERCLUB: first cybernetic club aimed at exchanging opinions, and the Guests Book to get us know each other and to connect us.

Ariel Joaquín Verlatsky







[Videos] - [Planes] - [Manuals] - [Constructions] - [Guests] -[Sales]

Buenos Aires - ARGENTINEAN -©®2003 All the reserved rights

Last upgrade August 2005
